Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ask students to find these elements. 
Sailboats: They are located in the far distance. 
Tower: It is found in the center distance. 
Second scull: It is located on the far left. 
Crew team: A crew team is located in the left background. 
Describe the rower’s arms. 
They are very muscular. 
What did Eakins need to know in order to accurately draw and paint this man’s arms? 
He had to understand human anatomy and also had to closely observe how the man looked and moved as he rowed.
How did Eakins show distance in this painting? 
Distant objects, including water ripples, are less detailed, smaller, lighter, and bluer than objects in the foreground. 
Where are the spaces between the ripples largest? 
The spaces between the ripples are largest in the foreground, where they are closest to the viewer.
In watercolor, artists sometimes purposely leave areas blank to reveal the white color of the paper. 
Where do you see very white areas that are probably the paper? 
These areas are located in the highlights on the waves in the foreground, the clouds, and the lightest part of Biglin’s shirt.
Ask students what geometric shape Biglin’s head, body, boat, and arms form, and ask them to point out the shape. 
They form a triangle. 
Have students extend their arms and lean forward and pretend to row as John Biglin does in the painting. Ask them
how his hands and arms might move in the next few seconds. 
Ask students which direction the boat is moving. It is moving to the right. 
Which boat is ahead in the scull race? John Biglin’s scull is ahead. 
Imagine where the second boat could be within a minute or two. 
Biglin could leave it behind, or the other scull could catch up with Biglin and soon pass him. 
Have students describe this man’s expression. What can you tell about his character from this painting? 
He seems serious and determined. 
What does this picture suggest about Americans’ leisure activities in the late 1880s?
John Biglin’s dress suggests that he is not wealthy. There are many boats on this river in Philadelphia, a large American city.
Many Americans had time to pursue water sports. 
Why is Biglin the only single scull rower shown in the painting? 
The subject is Biglin as an individual, challenging himself as much as competing against other.

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